Very often on this blog, we bring up the importance of energy efficiency, and offer up some ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency. Having an energy efficient home is great for your wallet, and is great for the environment. If you’re concerned about the...
Two Upgrades to Cut Heating Costs this Winter
That first energy bill after a nice comfortable fall can come as a shock. Keeping a house warm all winter is vital, but it isn’t cheap. A house with a less than efficient roof and siding won’t be doing you any favors, either. Here are two upgrades that will greatly...
Comparing Different Types of Vinyl Shutters
A lot of homes can look like they’re missing something. No matter how nice that new siding or roof is, or even if they have shiny new gutters. They’re still missing the piece that makes a home stand out, vinyl shutters. This beautiful accent can change the look of...
What To Do About Ice Buildup in Your Gutters
Here along the Mason-Dixon Line we experienced our first frost of the season this past week. It was a chilly reminder that, any day now, the temperatures will drop below freezing and the snow will start falling. When that happens you might be worried about how your...
The History of Board and Batten Siding
Older, even historic, home designs have become more and more popular recently. From cedar shingles to split log siding, what some would consider to be outdated materials and designs are giving homeowners a classic look while homes are become more and more advanced. No...
How is Foundation Waterproofing Done?
With Hurricane Matthew recently flooding Florida and throwing storms as far north as Pittsburgh, you might have been nervously checking your basement for signs of water throughout the weekend. If you live in a newer home and know that your foundation waterproofing was...
Three Signs You Need a New Roof this Fall
This season is all about getting your house ready for winter and doing the prep work that will make spring a breezy, beautiful time of year. Inspecting your roof and determining if it needs to be replaced this fall can help prevent a whole host of problems from...