Residential roofing isn’t all that hard to understand. Every kind of residence has something that serves as a roof. A roof can keep the elements at bay, and when ferocious summer storms kick up suddenly, you’ll be grateful for that. Understanding the fundamental...
Roofing & Siding Blog
Some Methods for Cleaning Hard to Reach Gutters
Gutters can be difficult enough to clean out even when they are easy to reach. But what should you do if you have hard to reach gutters? In this case, cleaning hard to reach gutters can be even more difficult and exhausting, not to mention time-consuming and possibly...
Tips on How to Locate and Repair Roof Leaks
Leaking roofs can be annoying, but they can also become dangerous. What do you do when you suspect you have a roof leak? Although it is best to rely on professional assistance, there are some steps you can undertake to perform basic maintenance until professional...
The Proper Water Drainage System Makes a Huge Difference
In the summer, you can expect high winds and heavy rains during storms. Summer storms hit frequently and hit hard. To protect your home from the risk of flooding, ensure you have the proper water drainage system installed. Having the proper water drainage system makes...
An Easy Guide to Installing and Applying Fiber Cement Siding
Siding is one of the best ways to protect your home and preserve its charming exterior. Although several types of siding exist, consider using fiber cement siding. We’ll provide you with an easy guide for installation and application of this wondrous material. Read on...
Preparing Your Home for Foundation Waterproofing
Summer storms can bring huge amounts of rain and wind. If your home’s foundations are unprotected, now is the time to rectify that situation. Foundation waterproofing is as important in the middle of a season as when the seasons are changing. So, as the true beginning...
Conventional Asphalt Roofing And Why Color Matters
With summer on the way, consider getting a new roof. Although it’s likely your home has conventional asphalt roofing, you might not know why. Conventional asphalt roofing is a cornerstone of our products and services offered here at Topper Construction. Typically,...